Two Stall
Ahnapee Brewery
Algoma, WI

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A Note on This Beer
Guess what? We just nabbed a Chocolate Milk Stout straight from dairy country!
Wisconsin’s oldest microbrewery Ahnapee first opened in 1868, went underground for over a century, and locals have been trying to keep today’s dreamy dark chocolate brew a secret since the brewery re-emerged in 2013. These hometown heroes focus on what they know best: the sweet dark stuff, like today’s Nesquik-flavored Two Stall.
If you’ve ever made chocolate milk for the fam and snuck a shot of Kahlua into your cup in between squirts of Hershey syrup, then you’re really gonna dig this beer. Two Stall is one of the darkest Chocolate Milk Stouts to ever cross our palates. Its rich flavor comes from prized local ingredients like the Wisconsin milk sugar and organic cocoa nibs the brewery uses to craft this super small-batch, bittersweet sipper.
Two Stall is only found in Eastern Wisconsin, but unfortunately for the locals, once the Dark Beer fiends at Tavour get a taste of it, word’s gonna spread faster than Nutella!
Packaged On 7/1/2018
145 Ratings