A Note on This Beer
When I was younger, I would kill an entire box of orange creamsicles on any given holiday — even if the holiday was just Tuesday at 4:20pm.
Can you blame me? If you have any sort of sweet-tooth, you know the impossible challenge of stopping after just one. The sticky, tangy outside with the creamy, vanilla soft-serve center — if it was a hot enough day, sometimes I’d even go to the store twice to cop another box.
Alas, I’d long forgotten about those tasty frozen treats. That is, until Matchless — the brewery that Washington’s largest beer geek forum voted “Best Outside of Seattle” — created today’s 12% ABV Triplesicle!
Yup, it’s exactly what it sounds like: a Triple IPA crafted to taste just like a creamsicle — HOLY MACKEREL!
Matchless nailed the flavors. The brewery used exclusively orange-evoking hops to create sugary mandarin notes. Then they conditioned the brew on real vanilla beans for an ultra-smooth sweetness that rushes over the palate with every sip.
You can only find this ice cream brew in Matchless’ home state of Washington. And since I live here, I’ve seen the crowds at the taproom when they drop a dessert IPA. Even if you trek all the way out to the West Coast, you'll have to battle hordes of local craft fans just to get a taste of this tiny stash!
But don’t worry, I’m no monster — I saved some for you! I’m just saying, if you’re not on Tavour, snaggin’ Triplesicle is not happening for you, my friend.
Packaged On August 19th, 2019
177 Ratings