Pineapple Smoothie
Austin Brothers Beer Co
Alpena, MI

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A Note on This Beer
Once upon a time, I was lucky enough to get away to Hawaii and try some of the state’s famous fruity delicacies. Man, those Dole Whips were heaven. Soft-serve ice cream and fresh pineapple, all in one!
Traveling anywhere right now feels like a distant dream, but the good news is that I’ve found a new way to get a tropical treat fix.
It’s called Pineapple Smoothie IPA, and the brewers craft it with “generous amounts” of pineapple and vanilla bean. But, if you ask me, “generous amounts” seems like a modest understatement after tasting all the fresh fruit action in this brew!
This 7.3% ABV delight is super creamy too, but it doesn’t have any lactose! How Austin Brothers Beer Co. managed this feat is between them and the beer, but it sips down as silky as a melty fruit sorbet!
So, go ahead — stock up on extra cans of this pineapple-y beauty and get swept away in its tropical smoothness. Throw on a Hawaiian shirt and crank the island tunes. Heck, fill your living room with sand, because it’s not like anyone’s visiting anytime soon.
It’s your own at-home island paradise, and you get to make the rules!
This tropical treat is too brand spankin’ new for ratings!
*PureMichigan names Austin Brothers Beer Co. a “Must Try” brewery alongside big names like Founders, Brewery Vivant, and Bell’s!
141 Ratings