Espresso Oak Aged Yeti
Great Divide Brewing Company
Denver, CO

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A Note on This Beer
The craft beer community honors Great Divide Brewing’s Espresso Oak Aged Yet ias one of the best with a spot on RateBeer’s Top 250 Beers In The World and a daunting 4.16 on Untappd with over 40,000 ratings.
This 9.5% ABV Yeti makes over 300 BeerAdvocate member’s bucketlists for how it shows both maturity with smooth espresso dryness from real coffee and memorable intensity with raw woody cacao bite coming from oak chips.
Vibrant chestnut colored brew supports an extremely dark tan crown of velvet. Freshly roasted notes of carob, molasses, licorice, and italian plums form an bold aromatic experience. The full char character of coffee is lay barren with notes of sun-scorched wood like in a long pulled shot of espresso. Bitter cacao tightens before phantasmatic bourbon vanilla trickles into a dry black coffee snap.
Witnessing a Yeti in real life will awe you with sophistication, lure you in for more, and stoke your love for roasts with its smoldering wake. Age it if you dare, but it’s already devastatingly smooth fresh.
100 on RateBeer, 99 for Style and on their Top 250 Beers in the World 4.16 on Untappd
99 Ratings