Abuse of Stout - Cinnamon Bun
Destination Unknown Beer Company
Bay Shore, NY

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A Note on This Beer
I discovered the cure for “the Mondays” back in elementary school. There was a spelling test I was dreading, and I was extra tired from staying up way past my bedtime the night before reading X-men comics.
As I racked my brain for excuses not to get out of bed, my nose caught a whiff of sweet cinnamon rolls pulled fresh from the oven. I hopped right up, scrambled downstairs, devoured three sticky pastries that rivalled Cinnabon, and headed to school.
The joy of waking up to cinnamon rolls made me completely forget to dread the day ahead of me.
Now that I’m older, I still catch a case of “the Mondays” every now and then. I still love cinnamon rolls but I’ve discovered something even better to cheer me up — Destination Unknown’s Abuse of Stout: Cinnamon Bun.
After tasting its flavors of a doughy, cinnamon-frosted bun dipped in coffee, I can’t believe it’s hiding a massive 12% ABV — it goes down so smooth!
I shouldn’t be surprised: these Sultans of Sweet brewers regularly craft highly-rated milkshakes, creamsicles, and marshmallow mash-ups that sell out just hours after release.
But this beer, this Cinnabon-in-a-glass packed with with real honey, cinnamon, vanilla, creamy lactose, & Demerara sugar, is not just killer a Dessert Stout — it’s a cure for “the Mondays!”
Rated 4.08 on Untappd
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